In random order, the nominees are:
Optimar Giske AS, Valdery, Norway
- On behalf of a project group including shipowner H.P. Holmeset AS and SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk AS.
IXBlue Industries S.A.S., Marly le Roy, France
Furuno Norge AS, lesund, Norway
The prize is awarded to a product, process or other activity that creates innovation, efficiency, securing plant and production, environment and quality in the fishing industry. It is also important that the winning product or procedure will contribute to improved profitability for the industry and for the supplier.
The Nor-Fishing Foundation awards the Innovation Award at the Nor-Fishing and Aqua Nor exhibitions in Trondheim every year.
The award consists of NOK 100,000 and a framed print from the exhibition city.
Nominees for Nor-Fishings Innovation Award 2012
NORWAY - Three highly skilled candidates have now been nominated for Nor-Fishings Innovation Award 2012.
by Lucy Towers