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More aquaculture research in Troms

NORWAY - In the past two years, Troms has experienced a considerable growth of aquaculture-related facilities. New and expanded facilities mean there can be more research and more advanced studies.

More aquaculture research in Troms - NORWAY - In the past two years, Troms has experienced a considerable growth of aquaculture-related facilities. New and expanded facilities mean there can be more research and more advanced studies.

The land facility in Krvika. Photo: Frank Gregersen, Fiskeriforskning.
Here, we present an overview of the research facilities in the Troms Region.

Aquaculture Research Station in Troms

The Aquaculture Research Station in Troms is owned by Fiskeriforskning and the University of Troms. The land facility with administration is in Indre Krvik on the island of Ringvassya. It was put into use in 1990 and has continued developing and improving since then.

This facility houses laboratories and specially equipped rooms and tanks for studies on fish, crustaceans and other organisms. The Fish Health Laboratory is also located here.

The marine farm in Skulgambukt. Photo: Ola Re.
The Aquaculture Research Station in Troms also has a new marine farm in Skulgambukt on Ringvassya. The marine farm is equipped with cages that allow for full-scale research, the same as in ordinary aquaculture.

Amongst other things, research at this facility includes feedings tests with cod and other species. In addition to the research equipment, the facility houses conference/teaching rooms and offices.

Norwegian Cod Breeding Centre

Fiskeriforskning runs the Norwegian Cod Breeding Centre. The facility is located at Kraknes on the island of Kvalya. The Centre was put into use in the autumn of 2005, and can house 300 cod families. Broodstock are brought here for stripping of roe and milt, and production of new fish.

The marine farm in Rsneshamn on Ringvassya belongs to the Norwegian Cod Breeding Centre. Cod fry are produced at the land facility, and are moved to this cage facility when they are big enough.

The farm is specially adapted for the cod breeding programme and, amongst other things, is equipped for measuring, weighing, marking and vaccination of fish.

Source: Fiskeriforskning - 8th March 2006

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