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International Efforts To Save Historic Fishing Rights


UK - Scottish National Party President Ian Hudghton has welcomed support from various European governments for the principle of EU nations retaining historical fishing rights according to traditional practices.

The governments of Germany, Denmark and Estonia have all given backing to the principle of "relative stability" whereby fishing opportunities are allocated to states according to historical catches. Additionally, from outwith the EU the Norwegian government has backed the principle.

The international support is in contrast to the position of both the UK government and the Tory Party who have in recent weeks called for the scrapping of historical rights.

Mr Hudghton commented: "The SNP believes that powers over fisheries should be returned to Europe's fishing nations. Coastal communities around Europe have depended on their traditional fishing waters for generations - and those historical benefits must be retained.

"Fortunately the Scottish government are not alone in seeking to protect the principle of relative stability. Whilst both Labour and the Tories are preparing to sell Scotland's fishermen out once again, an alliance of northern nations is emerging intent on protecting their fishing heritage.

"The SNP have long been the champions of Scotland's fishing communities. As the process of European fisheries reform gets under way, the SNP are pledged to defend Scotland's historical fishing rights in Holyrood, Westminster and Brussels."

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