Aquaculture for all

Health Management For The Responsible Movement Of Live Aquatic Animals


By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). These are Technical Guidelines on Health management for responsible movement of live aquatic animals.


They have been developed to support sections of FAOs Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) addressing responsible fisheries management (Article 7), aquaculture development (Article 9), international trade (Article 11) and fisheries research (Article 12). The objective of these guidelines is to assist countries in reducing the risk of introduction and spread of serious transboundary aquatic animal diseases (TAADs). Although they deal primarily with safe transboundary movement at the international level, they are also applicable to domestic movements between different provinces, geographical areas or zones of differing disease status. These Technical Guidelines also include guidance for health management at the farm and farm-cluster level, to the extent that these local production units are involved in the spread of TAADs.


Preparation of this document
Abbreviations and acronyms

1 Introduction

1.1 Statement of purpose
1.2 Structure and content of this document
1.3 Guiding principles
1.4 Definitions

2 Application of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries to the safe movement of live aquatic animals

2.1 Article 7 Fisheries management
2.2 Article 9 Aquaculture development
2.3 Article 11 Post-harvest and trade
2.4 Article 12 Fisheries research

3 Guidance for the development of aquatic animal health programmes

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Instruments and compliance

4 National strategies on aquatic animal health and biosecurity

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Policy, legislation and enforcement
4.3 Risk analysis
4.4 Pathogen lists
4.5 Information systems
4.6 Health certification
4.7 Quarantine
4.8 Disease surveillance, monitoring and reporting
4.9 Zoning
4.10 Emergency preparedness
4.11 Research
4.12 Institutional structure
4.13 Human resources development
4.14 Regional and international cooperation

5 Farm-level health management and biosecurity programmes

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Cluster management
5.3 Better management practices
5.4 Compliance with national legislation
5.5 Certification
5.6 On-farm disease prevention
5.7 Surveillance and reporting of disease outbreaks
5.8 Emergency preparedness
5.9 Information sharing and farmer education

6 Precautionary approach

7 References

To view the full document Technical Guidelines For Resposible Fisheries, 5 Suppl. 2 click here.

July 2007
Filed as: Health
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