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Closing Date Approaches for Aquaculture Funding

UK - The closing date is fast approaching for organisations and individuals with ideas that could foster growth and innovation in the UK seafood industry to apply for funding under this years Industry Project Fund (IPF).

Whilst the call for proposals is open all year round, the closing date for detailed project applications to start at the beginning of the 2009 financial year is 30 November 2008. Funding of up to £1 million has been allocated for 2009.

“It is not too late. This year’s pre-evaluation process has made the procedure even simpler. As a precursor to submitting a detailed, costed proposal, Concept Evaluation Forms have been introduced which need to be submitted by the middle of November. Applicants are asked to speak to their Seafish contact and then provide a short description of the project and its benefits in a single page, which is then assessed.

“This provides an early indication of the project’s merit, eligibility and appropriateness. Applicants given the green light can then proceed with the detailed proposal with more confidence,” said Paul Williams, Research Director at Seafish.

All IPF project proposals will be assessed against a set of defined criteria. There are three key strategic themes underpinning the criteria: responsible sourcing, cost reduction and the stimulation or protection of sales revenue.

“Under these parameters each proposal will be assessed on its widespread benefit to the industry, industry support for the work, whether the project represents value for money, the perceived ‘added value’, how feasible the outcome and goals are proportionate to the cost of the project and the use of resources, and the quality of the collaborators and project partners,” said Paul.

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