Aquaculture for all

Aquaculture Europe 2010

EU - Aquaculture Europe 2010 has attracted more than 750 abstracts for oral and poster presentations, suggesting that the theme of 'Seafarming Tomorrow' has created considerable interest.

The thematic sessions take place each morning of AE2010 and include plenary presentations by invited speakers. They pave the way for the parallel, technical sessions of contributed presentations in both oral and poster format.

Plenary 1: A vision for the future status of marine aquaculture in Europe: effects of a changing environment on biodiversity and physiology of farmed species, will be presented by Giles Boeuf, President of the French National Museum of Natural History.

Plenary 2: A license to produce?, will be presented by Javier Ojeda, APROMAR, Spain.

Plenary 3: Competing claims – joint solutions, will be presented by François Simard, IUCN, Switzerland.

Plenary 4: How can European sea-farming products correspond to trends in consumer demand? will be presented by Philippe Paquotte, European Commission, DG MARE.

Plenary 5: “Sustainable sea farming - Virtual tools for aquaculture: application to coastal and offshore ecosystems” will be presented by João Gomes Ferreira, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Aquaculture Europe 2010 will also feature a special international trade exhibition, organised by the European Aquaculture Society. Portuguese, Spanish and International companies will present the latest products and services for aquaculture. A special farmers’ day programme will have an emphasis on aquaculture in Portugal and in Spain and will focus on topics where the latest research findings can have an impact on the sector.

The provisional programme includes presentations and discussion on:


  • Feeding costs and growth strategies
  • Fry costs and market size
  • Health Management costs
Operating capital and the management of cash flow

  • Price strategies for aquaculture product (the methods used for pricing and their impacts on management)
  • Market development
Variability in operational results

Production capacity of a fish farm: effect of cycle time

It is hoped that the main Portuguese and Spanish industry associations for finfish and shellfish will take advantage of the farmers’ day to bring their members to Porto and to use the event for their own meetings.

There are also two organised farm tours on Saturday 9 October.

The first will take you to the Aveiro region, where you will see Aquacria - a company devoted to intensive fish production. The company owns a turbot fish farm with an installed capacity of 120 ton/year, which will be expanded to a 350 ton/year farm trough the installation of a hyper-intensive production system, based in Recirculation Aquaculture System Technology, that allows a full control in the main production parameters like water quality, temperature and health resulting in fast growth and high quality product.

After lunch, you will visit MaterAqua – a partner of the project SOCRATE (Soft crab technology in Europe) – and who is looking at the commercialistaion of green crab culture, through all aspects including production, processing, packing and storage to detailed market research, in an effort to bring hard science to what previously was an artisanal activity.

The second tour takes you to Viana do Castelo, where you will visit the Fish Farm in Paredes de Coura. This farm was a pioneer in Portugal for trout production and lies on the banks of the Coura River. It produces 5-600 tonnes per year, mostly for domestic consumption.

After lunch at the well-known “O Conselheiro” restaurant, you will visit the Rio Alto farm, producing marine fish ad mainly turbot, with an annual production of 150 tonnes.

Aquaculture Europe 2010 will take place in Porto, Portugal on 5-8 October. For more information visit

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