New development proposals on the lower Eyre Peninsula are being solicited by the South Australia Department of Primary Industries which includes including Louth Bay, Boston Bay, and Port Neill.
Gary Flack, Chairman of the Recreational Fisheries Committee, claims the Department’s should not be calling for further developments as it was unable to properly monitor those already in place.
"Concerns about escapees which is occurring in all forms of aquaculture whether it be mussels, oysters, finfish, and of course pollution," he was reported as having said in local media.
"We're finding there's more and more ropes, plastics etcetera washing up on our beaches and of course the general aesthetics of it, you've got these rings and cages out in the bays."
Anglers Voice Concern About Aqua Proposals
AUSTRALIA - Recreational fishermen say pollution and other problems for the Eyre Peninsula will flow if new aquaculture developments proceed.