This can be achieved by revitalizing existing growth sectors such as the plantation, mining and energy, textile and electronics industries, and by simultaneously creating new sources of economic growth.
It is believed that if managed properly with appropriate science and technology, maritime resources can be utilized not only to alleviate the chronic national problem of high unemployment and poverty, but also to generate competitive advantages for Indonesia. This is due mainly to three major reasons.
First, futurists have dubbed the 21st century the era of the "blue revolution". They share the view that as terrestrial resources become depleted and at the same time the world population keeps rising, the ocean will be the last resort to resolve the challenging issues facing humanity such as food and energy scarcities, natural resource depletion, spatial use conflicts and environmental degradation.
Second, as the largest archipelago and maritime country on earth with more than 17,500 islands, 81,000 kilometers of coastline (the second longest after Canada), and with 75 percent of its area marine waters, Indonesia is blessed with abundant coastal and ocean resources.
At least 10 economic sectors can be developed to transform the potential of the ocean's wealth into Indonesia's advancement and prosperity.
Transforming ocean's wealth into Indonesian prosperity
INDONESIA - The most fundamental challenges facing Indonesia today are a high level of unemployment and poverty, and its declining competitiveness. It is therefore timely for all components of the nation to work hard, productively and synergistically to generate a high sustainable economic growth which creates lots of employment opportunities and prosperity for all Indonesians.