Aquaculture for all

New salmon industry body will support staff training

UK - Scotland's oft maligned salmon industry is to found its own charitable body - an education and research foundation that will support and enhance the industry's future development.

The country's leading salmon producers see it as an important step towards establishing themselves as "mature and important players" in Scotland's business sector.

Scotland is the third largest salmon producer in the world, behind Chile and Norway, and has around a 10% share of the global market.

The new foundation, to be known as the Scottish Salmon Education and Research Foundation, has already been incorporated as a private company and found a place on the Scottish Charity Register.

Sid Patten, chief executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, said: "It's a sign both of the growing maturity of our industry and the importance members place on the contribution their companies make to the rural economy and Scotland plc, which have led to their decision to create the foundation."

He said the key objectives for the new charitable body would be to bring a new focus to education and training for people working at every stage in the production and sale of farmed salmon and to help provide funding to establish clear career paths throughout the industry.

Source: TheHerald
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