Prevention should be considered the first line of defense when managing egg disease and survival. Simple management strategies, such as disinfecting the hatchery before the hatchery season, having separate nets and equipment for each hatching trough, disinfecting hands, disinfecting egg masses before bringing them into the hatchery, and using a pathogen-free water supply, help prevent the introduction of infectious pathogens into the hatchery. The goals of a good hatchery management program should be to prevent disease and provide the optimal environment for embryo development and survival.
Specific information on hatchery management and water quality can be found on the SRAC Publications website. The focus here is on improving hatch rates and managing common egg diseases.
Understanding catfish embryo development
The most productive method of
producing catfish fingerlings is to
transfer eggs to a hatchery after
spawning. The management
techniques discussed in this
publication focus on production
systems with dedicated hatcheries
for incubating eggs. In these
systems, spawning containers are often checked every
day to every 3 days, so that eggs
are collected at various stages of
development. The age or developmental
stage of the embryo can be
a significant factor in managing
for disease. Stress can be more
harmful at early developmental
stages and can result in poor survival.
Understanding the progression
of development is important
for improving hatch rates, and
estimating the age of catfish eggs
helps when planning chemical
The time it takes for catfish eggs
to hatch depends on water temperature.
Channel catfish typically
spawn in the spring, when water
temperatures are between 70 and
84°F (21 and 29°C). At these
temperatures, the time from
spawn to hatch is 5 to 10 days. The exact time of spawning
usually is not known, so the
age of eggs must be estimated
Preventing egg death
The factors that can cause dead eggs (eggs that have stopped developing) include excessive handling, overcrowding, high temperature, water hardness, and transport delays. Important hatchery water quality parameters are reviewed in SRAC Publication No. 461, and degassing is reviewed in SRAC Publication No. 191.
Excessive handling
Embryos in the early development stages are sensitive to handling and should be handled as little as possible to prevent mechanical injury.
Many factors affect the maximum loading rate a hatchery can sustain. Generally, 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9kg) of egg mass can be incubated in a single hatching basket 8 inches wide x 16 inches long x 4 inches deep (20cm x 41cm x 10cm). Egg masses should not overlap substantially. Overcrowding causes poor water circulation and makes it easier for diseases to transfer between egg masses.
Temperature is an important environmental
factor that affects egg
development, hatch rates and disease
susceptibility. Newly
spawned eggs are more sensitive
to temperature changes than eggs
more than 24 hours old, in which
the embryonic outline (the beginnings
of a catfish fry) can be
observed. If eggs less
than 24 hours old are moved from
a pond to hatchery water of a substantially
different temperature,
they must be acclimated to prevent
a high mortality rate.
If the water temperature of the
pond, transport container, and
hatchery differ more than 5 to
7 F (2 to 3C), eggs should be
water-tempered for 15 to 20 minutes
for each 5 F (2C) of difference.
Eggs can be tempered by
using a hose to slowly run hatchery
water into the transport container
until the water temperature
in the container matches that in
the hatchery. The optimal temperature
range for incubating catfish
eggs is 78 to 82 F (26 to 28C).
At temperatures above and below
this range, hatch rates will be
reduced by egg death and disease.
Transport delays
On larger farms, difficult logistics
may cause eggs to sit in spawning
cans at the pond side or in transport
containers on vehicles for prolonged
periods of time. Eggs
should not be left on the pond
bank for more than 15 to 30 minutes
because long transport times
and poor water conditions during
transport (e.g., temperature and
dissolved oxygen) result in egg
death. In fact, it has been reported
that egg masses left unprotected in
cans on the pond bank for 30 minutes
have up to 25 percent lower
hatch rates than eggs transported
If transport time may exceed 30
minutes, eggs should be put in
insulated containers with well-oxygenated
water (> 5 ppm dissolved
oxygen). Fill transport containers
with pond water to help prevent
shock caused by differences in
water quality and temperature.
When the quality of pond and
hatchery water is significantly different,
be sure to temper the eggs
by slowly exchanging the transport
container water with hatchery
Water hardness
The calcium component of water hardness plays an important role in catfish fry development. Hatch rates from eggs incubated in water with less than 10 ppm calcium hardness during the first 24 hours after spawning are reduced by as much as 70 percent. Low calcium hardness during later stages of development can cause up to a 25 percent reduction in hatch rates. For this reason, it is important to maintain adequate calcium hardness in the hatchery watera minimum of 20 ppm, especially during the first 24 hours after spawning. During periods of low calcium concentration, as when a metering pump fails, newly spawned eggs (less than 24 hours old) can be left in the pond an extra day or a calcium chloride solution can be added to hatching troughs designated for new spawns.
Removing dead eggs
Regardless of the cause of death, dead eggs should be removed to prevent disease outbreaks. Live eggs are transparent and progress from a pale yellow to an orangered color as they mature. Dead eggs are often difficult to identify during the first day or two after spawning. But by the third day, dead eggs typically appear opaque and colorless. Some dead eggs also may be enlarged. When dead eggs are observed, they can be removed by hand, being careful not to damage nearby live eggs. Egg masses older than 24 hours should be turned over periodically in the hatching basket and inspected for fungus and bacteria. This should be done at least twice daily, but no more than four times daily, until hatching begins.
Managing disease
More serious than dead eggs themselves is the fact that they are often attacked by disease pathogens that can then spread quickly to adjacent live eggs. Once a disease outbreak has begun, it can quickly get out of control.
Disease-causing organisms
Bacterial and fungal infections are
the primary threats to catfish eggs.
Bacterial infections most often
occur when hatchery water temperature
is higher than 82F (28C) and when hatching baskets
are overcrowded. Bacterial egg rot
appears as a milky white patch,
often seen on the underside and in
the middle of the egg mass. This
patch of bacteria will contain dead
and deteriorating eggs. It should
be carefully removed, along with
the surrounding dead eggs.
Fungus is more prevalent at lower
temperatures, usually 78F (26C)
and below. It rapidly attacks infertile
and dead eggs. Fungal infections
are easy to spot; they appear
as white or brown cotton-like
growths made up of many small
filaments. If left untreated, these
filaments can invade and kill adjacent
healthy eggs, expanding to
cover the entire egg mass and
potentially every egg mass in the
hatching trough. Mechanically
removing dead and infected eggs
can be time consuming, but is beneficial.
Chemical control of fungal
infections is quite effective.
Chemical disinfection
Regular disinfection of eggs with approved chemical disinfectants is a common practice in most commercial catfish hatcheries. The use of drugs and chemicals for disinfecting eggs in aquaculture facilities is regulated by various federal and state agencies. Treatments must be effective, safe and cost efficient.
There are four options for the legal use of chemotherapeutants in the United States:
- The chemical has been approved by the FDA;
- The chemical is the subject of an Investigational New Animal Drug (INAD) exemption;
- The chemical has been determined by the FDA to be of low regulatory priority; or
- The chemical is not a low regulatory priority, but regulatory action has been deferred pending the outcome of ongoing research.
More information on
obtaining and using drugs and
chemicals in aquaculture can be
acquired through the FDA's Center
for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), which regulates the manufacturing,
distribution, and use of animal
Biological, environmental and
physical factors all play a role in
the effectiveness of chemical treatments
and must be considered
when developing a strategy for
managing egg disease. Each hatchery
is unique in its design, its
source and quality of water, its
capacity, and its management.
Visiting other hatcheries to discuss
their disease management strategies
is a good way to gather helpful
information. The following
information on chemical treatment
methods is based on research,
experience, and personal communications
with hatchery managers
and Extension specialists.
Biological factors. The primary
biological factor to consider in
treating eggs is the developmental
stage of the embryo (egg age).
Many studies have been conducted
to determine the effects of treating
eggs at various stages of development.
In general, the egg is a very
protective environment for the
developing catfish embryo and
chemical treatments will be safe if
they are made at the correct concentration
and are of the correct
duration and frequency. However,
newly hatched fry are vulnerable
to chemical disinfectants.
Many treatment guidelines suggest
treating until the eyed egg stage,
the time when eye pigmentation
(black eye spots) can be observed
without magnification.
Since not all the eggs in a mass,
and certainly not all the eggs in a
hatching trough, are at the same
developmental stage, some eggs
may begin hatching shortly after
most of the eggs appear eyed.
Stopping treatments at the eyed
stage is good practice because the
risk of killing hatched fry typically
exceeds the risk of disease at this
late stage of development. The
exception is when disease has overwhelmed
the egg mass. When trying
to salvage severely diseased egg
masses, the eggs should be placed
in a quarantine trough during treatment.
Environmental factors. Temperature
and water quality affect not
only the development and survival
of catfish embryos in the egg, but
also the effectiveness and potential
toxicity of chemical therapeutants.
However, this is generally not a
problem over the range of water
temperatures normally maintained
in catfish hatcheries.
The organic load in the water system
is another environmental factor
that can affect chemical treatments.
High concentrations of
organics in hatchery water systems
should be avoided because they
provide a food source for pathogens
and may increase diseases in
the hatchery. High levels of organics
also can reduce the effectiveness
of chemical disinfectants such
as formalin and hydrogen peroxide.
Physical factors. Water flow rates
and volume largely determine how
chemical treatments will be administered
and how effective they will
be. When determining the concentration
of a disinfectant, the exact
volume of water being treated
must be known. If eggs are to be
treated as a bath in the hatching
troughs, the rate of water flow
through the trough must be known
to determine how long to expose
the eggs to the chemical solution.
Turning off the water for bath treatments
can be very risky, with millions
of eggs possibly lost if water
flow is not restored. It is safer to
conduct flush treatments by adding
the chemical to the trough with
continuous water flow. The rate of
water flow through the hatching
trough will dictate whether the
chemical concentration must be
increased or decreased. Most recommendations
for disinfecting catfish
eggs suggest that the eggs be
exposed to a treatment for 15 minutes
at a given concentration.
During flush treatments, faster flow
rates must be compensated for by
increasing the chemical concentration,
while slower flow rates require
a reduction in the concentration of
chemical used.
There are many opinions as to how
long and how often eggs should be
treated. Treatments that are too
short or infrequent will not kill
the disease-causing pathogen, but
treatments that are too long or too
frequent may be toxic to the eggs.
In both cases, hatch rates will be
unacceptably low. A good hatchery
manager will use the guidelines
below as a starting point and
adjust treatment methods accordingly.
Chemical disinfectants
Formalin: Formalin is an FDA-approved
drug for the control of
fungi on fish eggs. Some formalin
products are available under the
trade names Formalin-F (Natchez
Animal Supply Co.), Paracide-F
(Argent Laboratories, Inc.), and
Parasite-S (Western Chemical,
Inc.). The maximum concentration
for disinfecting catfish eggs is 2000ppm for 15 minutes as a flush treatment.
Under typical hatchery conditions,
with an average of one volume
exchange every 45 to 60 minutes,
2000ppm can be toxic to
channel catfish eggs. In most hatcheries,
fungus can be controlled by
treating with 100ppm formalin for
15 minutes as a bath treatment.
Turn the water off during treatment,
but leave the paddles turning
or air flowing from airstones. Flush
completely with fresh water when
treatment time has elapsed. For
flush treatments, concentrations
between 100 and 400ppm formalin
have been successful at temperatures
of 75 to 86F (24 to 30C).
Hatch rates tend to improve when
formalin treatments are administered
twice daily.
Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen
peroxide is currently an aquaculture
drug of low regulatory priority
according to the FDA. It is
expected that hydrogen peroxide
will eventually be approved by the
FDA as a new animal drug and
that the label will include the
treatment of catfish eggs. As a
drug of low regulatory priority,
hydrogen peroxide can be used to
control fungi on all life stages of
fish, including eggs, at concentrations
of 250 to 500ppm active
ingredient (100 percent hydrogen
peroxide). Hydrogen peroxide is
extremely caustic in its concentrated
form and can be purchased
as 3 percent, 35 percent and 50
percent solutions. The most practical
concentration for use as a
chemical disinfectant is the 35
percent solution, which often can
be purchased in 55-gallon quantities.
The effectiveness of hydrogen
peroxide appears to be affected by
temperature; toxicity may be a
problem at higher temperatures.
When hatchery water temperature
is 78F (26C), a daily 15-minute
bath of 250ppm active hydrogen
peroxide (71 ppm of 35 percent
hydrogen peroxide) is as effective
as formalin for disinfecting eggs
and improving hatch rates. It is
important to note, however, that
twice as much hydrogen peroxide
at this temperature is toxic to
eggs. At cooler temperatures,
hydrogen peroxide is less toxic
and higher concentrations are
more effective.
Povidone iodine: Povidone
iodine is also an aquaculture drug
of low regulatory priority.
Povidone iodine compounds can
be used to disinfect catfish eggs in
a solution of 100ppm for 10 minutes.
Daily iodine treatments are
not as effective as daily formalin
treatments for controlling fungal
infections. Povidone iodine is,
however, a very good preliminary
disinfectant to use when transferring
eggs from the pond to the
hatchery. Bathing new egg masses
for 10 minutes in a 100-ppm
iodine solution before adding
them to communal hatching
troughs can substantially reduce
the transfer of pathogens from the
pond to the hatchery and may
improve hatch rates by as much
as 10 percent when used with
daily treatments of either formalin
or hydrogen peroxide.
Povidone iodine should not be
used on catfish eggs with visible
eye spots.
Copper sulfate: Copper sulfate is
currently considered an investigational
new animal drug (INAD),
and regulatory action has been
deferred pending the outcome of
ongoing research. The FDA's
Center for Veterinary Medicine
awards exemptions to allow for
the purchase, shipment and use
of investigational new animal
drugs so that data about their
effectiveness and safety can be
collected. Data in support of copper
sulfate as an egg disinfectant
is currently being collected for
use in the drug approval process.
Preliminary data suggest that copper
sulfate is an effective disinfectant
for controlling fungal infections
of catfish eggs when used as
a once or twice daily 15-minute
bath treatment at concentrations of
2.5 to 10ppm. Higher concentrations
of copper sulfate have been
found to reduce hatch rates and
may be toxic. Crystalline copper
sulfate should be dissolved in
hatchery water in a separate container,
such as a 5-gallon bucket,
and then added as a solution to the
hatching trough. Do not use copper
sulfate in aluminum troughs
because it reacts with the aluminum
and causes the trough surface
to become pitted.
General recommendations
Although many factors can cause poor hatch rates, knowing the optimal conditions for handling and hatching channel catfish eggs and following good hatchery practices will reduce problems of disease and poor survival.
Recommendations include:
- Learn to identify the general stages of embryo development in the egg.
- Avoid delays and prevent water quality and temperature shock when transporting eggs from the pond to the hatchery.
- Disinfect egg masses with povidone iodine before placing them in the hatching trough.
- Maintain hatchery water temperatures between 78 and 82F (26 and 28C).
- Avoid unnecessary handling of eggs during the first 24 hours after spawning.
- Do not overcrowd egg masses in the hatching baskets.
- Maintain adequate water hardness (> 20ppm) in the hatchery.
- Be familiar with the laws regulating the use of chemical disinfectants.
- Treat catfish eggs daily with an approved chemical disinfectant to manage diseases and improve hatch rates.
- Develop a management plan that meets the specific needs of the individual hatchery.
Additional resources
- Hargreaves, J.A. and C.S. Tucker. 1999. Design and Construction of Degassing Units for Catfish Hatcheries. SRAC Publication No. 191. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
- Small, B.C. 2004. Accounting for water temperature during hydrogen peroxide treatment of channel catfish eggs. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 66:162-164.
- Small, B.C., W.R. Wolters and T.D. Bates. 2004. Identification of a calcium-critical period during channel catfish embryo development. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 34:313- 317.
- Small, B.C. and W.R. Wolters. 2003. Hydrogen peroxide treatment during egg incubation improves channel catfish hatching success. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 65:314-317.
- Small, B.C. and T.D. Bates. 2001. Effect of low-temperature incubation of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, eggs on development, survival and growth. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 32:49-54.
- Steeby, J. and J. Avery. 2005. Channel Catfish Broodfish Selection and Hatchery Management. SRAC Publication No. 1803. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
- Tucker, C.S. and J.A. Steeby. 1993. A practical calcium hardness criterion for channel catfish hatchery water supplies. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 24:396-401.
- Tucker, C.S. and E.H. Robinson. 1990. Channel Catfish Farming Book. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, New York.
- Tucker, C.S. and J.A. Hargreaves. 2004. Biology and Culture of Channel Catfish. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Tucker, C.S. 1991. Water Quantity and Quality Requirements for Channel Catfish Hatcheries. SRAC Publication No. 461. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
- Walser, C.A. and R.P. Phelps. 1993. The use of formalin and iodine to control Saprolegnia infections on channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, eggs. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 3:269-278.
- Wedemeyer, G.A. 2001. Fish Hatchery Management, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, Maryland.
Originally published in the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service (February 2006)