Marine ecologist Pia Winberg has completed a business plan and hopes to gain council support for her vision, which will transform the old treatment plant into a unique tourism attraction and business venture for the district.
Pia used a State Government grant to complete her proposal.
The Future Park will not only be a centre for research and education, it will also include recreational facilities where visitors can learn to scuba dive, fish and explore fresh water ecosystems.
Pia's vision fits neatly into the existing treatment plant infrastructure, with the former settling ponds transformed into fish, yabbie and waterlily growing facilities.
As well as an education and conference centre, café, aquaponic farm and visitor centre, the Future Park will also make use of existing landscaping and lawns for family picnic areas, an amphitheatre, free range animal park and kids adventure playground.
"It will be a really unique attraction for our district and will put Ulladulla on the map," Pia said.
The transformation of the existing facility, given most of the infrastructure is already in place, is expected to cost about $1.2 million.
That includes cleaning, landscaping, cycleways and boardwalks as well as establishing a pumping system to make use of reclaimed water from the new King Point treatment plant.
Source: Milton-Ulladulla Times
Future park plan
AUSTRALIA - A proposed Ulladulla Future Park will integrate scientific research, tourism and recreation at the town's decommissioned waste water treatment plant site. Concept plans for the project will go before Shoalhaven City Council this week.