Aquaculture for all

Australian Prawn Conference Looks Into the Future


AUSTRALIA - The 2009 Australian Prawn Farmers Association (APFA) and Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) Conference is set to take place on July 29 and 30 at Jupiters Casino, Townsville, and will explore issues surrounding the theme of Aquaculture into the Future.

The Conference will be the fifth combined conference of the Associations, and is a unique opportunity to hear what is happening in the aquaculture industry during the current economic and climatic conditions, and how farmers can best deal with the issues faced.

APFA Executive Officer Helen Jenkins said the Conference has an excellent array of speakers who will be able to provide farmers with a down-to-earth understanding of how best to tackle the future of farming.

“It is important the Conference looks at the most critical issues confronting the Australian prawn farming industry,” Ms Jenkins said.

This year, keynote speakers of the Conference include aquaculture technical manager for DSM Nutritional Products, Dr. Jacques Gabaudan. Dr Gabaudan will present his speech on Aquaculture and the International Perspective on Day one of the Conference.

Dr Gabaudan will also be joined by Associate Professor of the National Hsing University of Taiwan, Bith-Hong Ling. Assoc. Professor Ling’s expertise and research focus on the seafood trade and marketing, international marketing, and aquaculture economics.

Assoc. Professor Ling also has extensive research work on Asian cultured shrimp industry and most recently has been involved in research related to Asian seafood consumption choice.

“With the Australian prawn farming industry worth more than $50 million, farmers can be staunchly proud of their international reputation for producing the world’s best prawns,” Ms Jenkins said.

“The Conference will aim to ensure that this continues, and that farmers are not disadvantaged in any way by the current conditions enforced on them by the economy, government regulations and the climatic changes.

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