Aquaculture for all

Chinese investors to set Sh100m fish plant

KENYA - A group of Chinese investors plan to establish a fish processing plant in Nyakach, Nyanza Province, at a cost of more than Sh100 million.The move follows completion of a feasibility study to establish the projects viability.

The project would be a joint venture with a group of local investors led by Mr Jimmy Miser Oigo, a Nairobi-based businessman.

Oigo said the Chinese investors, who had conducted the study, were ready to start the project once other formalities, such acquisition of land are completed.

Oigo confirmed the industrialists had undertaken a successful feasibility study along Nyakwere and Wire beaches of Lake Victoria.

Oigo said the investment would be carried out in phases and would include installation of five cooling plants where fish-stakeholders will store their catch before it is transported to the main plant.

Source: The Standard

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